10 Proven Ways to Protect Your Computer Network

Network security is an essential part of any organization's IT infrastructure. It is important to protect the integrity of a computer network and the data it contains from cyberattacks and other malicious activities. To ensure successful network security, organizations must employ multiple security solutions and best practices. In this article, we will discuss 10 proven ways to protect a computer network.

These include using strong passwords, regularly changing passwords, implementing access control, using anti-virus and anti-malware software, employing application security, conducting network analysis, using firewalls and VPN encryption, and more. The most basic example of network security is password protection. It is important for employees to know how to avoid passwords or default phrases such as “password”, 123445 and their dates of birth. In addition to using strong passwords that include letters (upper and lower case), symbols and numbers for greater security, require employees to change their passwords regularly.

Government agencies and companies employ highly qualified information security analysts to implement security plans and constantly monitor the effectiveness of these plans. Organizations with more than 100 employees with an internal IT team can benefit from these services. Fortunately, there are some computer network security best practices that business owners can implement today to protect their data and create more impenetrable protection against hackers and viruses. Forcepoint offers a suite of network security solutions that centralize and simplify what are often complex processes and ensure strong network security across the enterprise. These solutions include next-generation firewalls (NGFWs) that provide fluid, centrally managed control of network traffic, whether physical, virtual, or in the cloud. Network security involves the use of a variety of software and hardware tools on a network or as software as a service.

Attacks can occur at any layer of the network's security layer model, so network hardware, software, and security policies must be designed to address each area. No matter the specific method or business security strategy, security is often considered everyone's responsibility, as every user of the network represents a potential vulnerability in that network. For example, you can grant administrators full access to the network, but deny access to specific sensitive folders or prevent their personal devices from joining the network. The primary purpose of network security is to prevent unauthorized access to or between parts of a network. Security becomes more important as networks become more complex and companies rely more on their networks and data to conduct business. Network security is critical because it prevents cybercriminals from accessing valuable data and sensitive information. The basic principle of network security is to protect the enormous data stored and the networks in layers that ensure compliance with the rules and regulations that must be recognized before carrying out any activity with the data.

Deb Magby
Deb Magby

Hardcore pop culture fanatic. Certified pop cultureaholic. Bacon aficionado. General tv advocate. Award-winning bacon expert.